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What a reality TV show featuring treachery and deceit says about real-world politics

Binge watching "The Traitors" reminds us of how politics works — and how it can work better.

3 min to read
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There is a long list of parallels between what happens on the reality-TV show "The Traitors" and politics at every level.

There are things you have to shake off after the holidays to get into the swing of the new year: the fog from hangovers, the lethargy from leftovers, the inertia from time on the couch. And this year, in my house, the compulsive fog from binge-watching every available season of the reality show "The Traitors."

That show: it's a lot of fun. And also offers lessons about how politics work, not just on reality TV, but in reality reality. 

Edward Keenan is a Toronto-based city columnist for the Star. Reach him via email:

Edward Keenan

Edward Keenan is a Toronto-based city columnist for the Star. Reach him via email:

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