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Many challenges await in 2024. It will demand better of our politicians — and us

Our problems are serious, gusting up to existential. Our governance and politics must be serious too. There can be no patience for politics as usual

2 min to read
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Fireworks go off along Toronto’s waterfront during the city’s New Year’s Eve celebration as the city rang in 2023. The new year will require more and better of all players and all government levels, just as it will demand more engagement and greater goodwill from all Canadians, the Star's editorial board writes.

Humanity’s predictions are more often than not folly. On that dependable truth gambling enterprises amass fortunes.

Still, one of the safer forecasts to be made as 2024 arrives is that however noxious and infuriating were the politics of 2023, the new year is apt to be even more trying.

The Star’s Editorial Board is responsible for the editorial and op-ed pages, as well as content on the Opinion section of That includes editorials, letters to the editor, columns, opinion articles by guest commentators and multi-media features on Opinion section.

Star Editorial Board

The Star’s Editorial Board is responsible for the editorial and op-ed pages, as well as content on the Opinion section of That includes editorials, letters to the editor, columns, opinion articles by guest commentators and multi-media features on Opinion section.

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