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Nurse's unethical behaviour missed in advice column

I’m a stroke survivor in my mid-60s. A younger nurse and I almost slept together. Do we have a future?

3 min to read
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Lisi Tesher.JPG

A Lisi Tesher column about a stroke survivor and a younger nurse provided a valuable lesson on being aware of ethical, legal and policy considerations when dispensing advice.

I’m a stroke survivor in my mid-60s. A younger nurse and I almost slept together. Do we have a future?

This online headline for Lisi Tesher’s column last week was pretty "grabby" as we say in the journalism business when a headline, photo or article immediately gets our attention.

Donovan Vincent is the Star’s Public Editor and based in Toronto. Reach him by email at or follow him on Twitter: @donovanvincent.

Donovan Vincent

Donovan Vincent is the Star’s Public Editor and based in Toronto. Reach him by email at or follow him on Twitter: @donovanvincent.

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